Organic Geometry is an ongoing project that grows by the virtue of Metta's spiritual journey. She enjoys the process and varied of fascinations that are concealed behind the mosaic drawing and aspire to keep on refining it by exploring ranges of mediums in Indonesia – trusting that there are paths that yet to be conceived and nurtured.
This collection witness the Artist self exploration on human relationship with their ideology, as she embrace the paradox of imperfection through the pursuit of perfection. She believe that everyone should understand what perfect and imperfect means to them, even if it comes from an endless spectrum. Hopefully by that we will be much grateful with the life we live in
“Understands that perfection and imperfection are illusive. Its crucial to know, what is perfect and what is imperfect means to you. If that lines is defined, I think everybody will be much grateful for everything that they live in life. ”
“The title Organic Geometry was inspired from one of the Sekunder piece in Mosaic 16 that Metta place upright on the table and observe it from different perspective. She was fascinated on how the Anagama firing inherited such an organic charisma into structured geometric forms. ”
Utopic. Meticulous. Perfectionist
From paper to clay. Metta was introduced with clay for the first time as a new medium of expression. She brought her adoration of paper cutting to clay. Implementing all of her ideal through the meticulous attention to details and arrangement of the mosaic. She loved the idea of letting go of her expectation once the piece is fired. Yet, not aware on how much of an Utopian she was.
Versatile. Demure. Resilient
Anxiety and depression struck weeks before Metta started the workshop, that draws her into spiritual healing through meditation practice. These series of events has deepened her character and wisdom towards crafting her piece. It was about simplifying the details, refining the core, building the demurely masculine pieces and understanding each piece through the finishing processes.
Compassionate. Courageous. Hopeful
For the past one year, Metta has spent more time developing her inner resilience through meditation practice and voluntary act. Focusing mainly on virtues towards health, happiness and gratefulness instead of vanity. Its no longer about the ideal world for oneself - it is about being mindful: taking up the chances, being courageous, enduring fear, make it positive; be tolerant, hopeful and fruitful to one another.
Mosaic 17 documentation is working in progress.
A documentary photo series taken during the workshop
© Metta Setiandi